
Earth, water, fire:primordial elementscome together


Lights and shadowsdance on white surfacesand sparkling detailsof precious metals

Pure Porcelain


Porcelain, obtained from a mix of kaolin, quartz and feldspar, is a noble ceramic material with an ancient and fascinating history. Its aesthetic and technical qualities, known in the East since the seventh century, are incomparable. The purity of white color together with hardness, translucency and impermeability, obtained through high firing temperature, make it the most precious among all kinds of ceramics.

Precious Gold & Platinum

PreciousGold &Platinum

The essential white of unglazed porcelain is sometimes enriched by the use of precious metals: 23K gold and platinum, synonymous with royalty and perfection. These metals are applied by expert hands and fixed through a third firing.

Unique Glazes


Our glazes are the result of an in-depth and constant study, supported by years of research on metal oxides. The interaction that these glazes have during firing creates effects that are always different and make each piece unique.



The main focus ison texture, obtainedthrough an accuratework on modelsand moulds

Art of Wheel throwing

Art ofWheelthrowing

The most iconic of all ceramic techniques, it has become the symbol of pottery in pop culture. In FOS production, for many years wheel throwing has played a leading role and it is still used together with casting in the creation of various objects.

Art of Slip casting

Art ofSlipcasting

It allows for the creation of complex and detailed shapes by pouring liquid clay (known as “slip”) into plaster molds. Mold making is an ancient art, which requires experience, manual skills and extreme precision.

Art of Hand building

Art ofHandbuilding

This is the oldest and most spontaneous form of clay modeling, the primordial contact of man with matter, which gives each object a unique look, closer to a work of art than to a design object.

Art of Decoration

Art ofDecoration

For decoration we use many different techniques: from the application of glazes by brush, through the glazing of large areas by airbrush and immersion. We also do third-fire decorations with gold and platinum, which require particular expertise and attention.